How To Clone a Quiz


Coming soon...


Currently, there is not a feature to automatically clone a quiz within your account. However, this is a workaround that will allow you to do this. You need to share the quiz as if you were showing it to others, but then import it yourself.

To share the quiz:

1. In the Dashboard, hover over your quiz and click Share.

2. You will see the share code as shown on the screen below:  

3. Copy this share code by clicking the Copy button

Now you have this, you’re ready to import this into your account. To import using this code:

1. In the Dashboard, click Import Quiz.

2. Enter your share code and a name for your quiz. Click Import.

3. Your quiz has been imported. Find it in your main Dashboard with your other quizzes, ready to edit or publish. Naming it the same as the original but with ‘Clone’ after the name will produce the same result as if you cloned the quiz directly. 

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