How to Use Lead Capture - without API Integrations


Coming soon.


Please Note: If you are an older Quizitri user (so prior to August 2021) you WILL have the option to connect an integration via API, Zapier or HTML Forms. Please see How to Use Lead Capture - with API Integrations for details.

The Lead Capture section is where you can configure your options to gather leads using your quizzes. You do not need to use this section if you have your own opt-in pages hosted elsewhere: to find out how to segment leads with your own pages,  click here.

HTML Forms

In the Dashboard, add a new quiz or click to edit an existing one. Click Capture Form in the left hand menu. Toggle Lead Capture to On. Doing this will tell Quizitri you want to capture leads using Quizitri's internal lead capture options.

Segment by Outcome – this allows you to select lists for each outcome to segment your respondents.

General Settings

Allow users to skip this step - toggle whether to make this step required or optional.

Use Confirmation Checkbox - toggle this to On if you want to use a confirmation checkbox. If so, then add your checkbox text.

Privacy Policy Page URL – enter the URL for your privacy policy page.

Text Settings

Header – type a header for your page.

Description – type a description for your page.

Footer – enter footer text for your page.

Form Settings

Include Name – toggle whether you want to collect the quiz-taker's name as well as their email. This adds another field to the API integration options.

Form Integration

Integration Type – here there are different types of lead capture listed, HTML Form (which uses a HTML form you already have, find out how to set it up  here) and API Integration (which is no longer available). Choosing HTML Form as your integration type lets you use your own HTML form, for an autoresponder you are using or a custom set up you've built yourself. Find out how to add HTML forms here.

Pick HTML Form - use the dropdown to select your HTML form

At Name Form Field if you've chosen to collect names, here you'll match the form field type with the input.

At Email Form Field match the form field type with the input.

NB: Once you have published your Quiz you need to go back to Form Integration get the URL for your Thank You page in your autoresponder.

Copy the URL to your clipboard and set it as the Thank You page. Your HTML form will redirect to that page once quiz takers have entered their email. This allows Quizitri to display the correct outcome.


Depending on the kind of system you are using. Zapier can send all the lead data to your autoresponder.  We send the outcome and question data in the webhook as well. Based on what the outcome is in the webhook, you can tag the prospect or add them to a different list.

Please see here for details on setting up integration with Zapier.

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